Taylor-Made Equipment
Technical assistence
Certified qualify
Quality control systems according to ISO 9001 and PECAL, Environmental Control according to ISO 14001 and Occupational Health and Safety according to ISO 45001. Another specific regulations for offshore (NORSOK, API, UKOOA, EN 13582), rescue (SOLAS, MED, LSA, USCG), industrial (DIN, ISO, FEM, EN, IEC, ATEX, ASME), military (STANAG, DEF) and certification.

Experience and trustworthiness
Our proven track record, since 1964. Our experience in contributing solutions for all types of craft, both civil and military: fishing boats, cargo carriers, offshore and oceanographic units, megayachts, patrol boats, frigates, aircraft carriers, etc. and oil & gas offshore platforms.
Solutions for all needs
Our projects are always developed in close collaboration with the client, based on a tried and tested procedures: we act, we design, we agree, we act. We study the placing, type of load and function so as to achieve the adequate power, dimensions, movement, outreach and type of handling.